West Cumbria MRWS Partnership warned about validity of Ipsos-MORI Poll. Local campaign group CORE (Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment) has today warned that the Partnership cannot take yesterday’s Poll results as a clear mandate for inflicting an underground nuclear waste dump on West Cumbrian communities. In presenting the results of its telephone opinion poll … [Continue Reading]
Dangerous waters ahead as maritime safety is compromised by extended use of two ageing nuclear ships owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Plans by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and International Nuclear Services (INS), who manage the ships on the NDA’s behalf, to continue using nuclear ships Oceanic Pintail and Atlantic Osprey for the transport of highly radioactive cargoes in European and Atlantic waters will raise major safety concerns as both vessels are kept in service beyond … [Continue Reading]
NDA’s Evaporator D Project – The £½Bn Dog’s Dinner with a capital D and taxpayers’ money
If anyone doubted the nuclear industry’s ability to underestimate the costs and timescales of new projects, they need look no further than Sellafield and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). The current attempt to equip the site with a new Evaporator for condensing the dangerous liquid high level wastes (HLW) produced by Sellafield’s unnecessary reprocessing operations … [Continue Reading]
Nuclear Ships & Transports Round-Up
At a meeting of the Ramsden Dock Terminal Stakeholder Group (RDTSG) held at the nuclear shipping terminal at Barrow-in-Furness on the 19th December, a number of issues relating to ships and nuclear transports were presented by International Nuclear Services (INS). As a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), INS is responsible for the … [Continue Reading]
Plutonium re-use – putting the cart before the white elephant
Unwilling or incapable of learning from the UK’s disastrous MOX fuel experiences, yesterday’s Government approval for the re-use of plutonium as MOX fuel is branded by CORE as a ‘decision made in the dark that yet again puts the proverbial cart before the inevitable nuclear white elephant’. With a preliminary decision taken by Government even … [Continue Reading]
Down the Seascale Drain – Sellafield’s ‘Reassurance’ Monitoring
A brief reference to raised levels of radioactivity in some Seascale road drains in the recently published Radioactivity in Food and the Environmernt Report for 2010 (RIFE 16) will rightly be ruffling feathers at Sellafield and with the Regulators. For some road drains located on the main approach road to the village centre (Drigg Road) … [Continue Reading]
Sellafield High Level Waste shipment under investigation in Japan
Concerns are being raised in Japan about the raised radiation levels – above legal limits – discovered on the surface of some of the canisters of vitirified High Level Waste (HLW) shipped recently from Sellafield. In August this year, some 40 tonnes of HLW, contained in 76 canisters were shipped from Barrow docks onboard the … [Continue Reading]
Heading for the Buffers – Government told it must pull the plug on West Cumbria’s current nuclear dump process or face community challenge
Heading for the Buffers – Government told it must pull the plug on West Cumbria’s current nuclear dump process or face community challenge. Among a number of key issues raised in its response to the Department for Energy & Climate Change (DECC) consultation on identifying and assessing potential candidate sites for an underground nuclear waste … [Continue Reading]
Sellafield MOX Plant (SMP) axed by Fukushima fallout – says NDA
In what came clearly as a surprise to the gathering of Sellafied stakeholders, the closure of SMP was officially announced by the NDA at yesterday’s West Cumbria Site Stakeholder Group (WCSSG) meeting. The decision had been made at an NDA Board meeting last week on the grounds that the commercially impotent plant no longer ‘had … [Continue Reading]
Sellafield High Level Waste (HLW) shipment sails for earthquake region of Japan
Sellafield High Level Waste (HLW) shipment sails for earthquake region of Japan – a direct threat not only to the people and environment of Japan, but also to en-route communities in the Caribbean and Pacific and their marine environment. The shipment, which comes less than five months after the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit the … [Continue Reading]