CORE (Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment) has today written to Dr R Wakeford, BNFL’s Principal Research Scientist demanding a retraction of statements made by him this morning in a Radio Cumbria interview. Responding to questions about today’s publication of research work by Newcastle University on the population-mixing theory as a possible cause of the Sellafield leukaemias, Dr Wakeford twice misrepresented the facts about radiation and Sellafield. In statements which CORE believes to be tantamount to lying, Dr Wakeford publicly claimed that in relation to the leukaemias around Sellafield, radiation as a factor had been ruled out. A CORE spokesperson said today “ It is thoroughly dishonest of BNFL to make these claims and does a great dis-service to the general public and to industry workers who are exposed to radiation as a routine part of their employment. We have demanded that if these claims cannot be substantiated as a matter of urgency, then a full public retraction be made by BNFL’s Principal Research Scientist “. For further information, or a copy of CORE’s letter to Dr Wakeford, contact CORE on 01229 833851, fax 01229 812239 or mobile 0789 999 1146.