Following BNFL’s admission of sabotage at its Sellafield Vitrification Plant earlier this year, information has been received by CORE that workers at the THORP reprocessing plant are taking guns into the plant for ‘target practice’. An anonymous letter received by CORE on 11th July discloses that this serious security breach came to light when air rifle pellets and target were discovered within THORP’s active area. In what appears to be a cover up to prevent the matter reaching the press, two electricians have been disciplined by BNFL rather than being sacked. A CORE spokesperson said today “ Following all the recent scandals of MOX falsification, debris in fuel, wire-cutting and poor safety at Sellafield, BNFL claim that they have turned over a new leaf and have everything under control. Workers using THORP as a shooting gallery hardly supports that claim and neither does the company’s efforts to keep it hidden from the media “. The whistle-blower, identified by his ‘pen-name’, is the same writer that has written to CORE on numerous occasions over the years on matters relating to THORP. His information has proved to have been highly accurate in the past and all his claims have been vindicated. Recently outlining the company’s plans to make the site more secure against saboteurs and other miscreants, the Head of Sellafield identified a package of measures which included the enforcement of the site’s 20mph speed limit. CORE added today that the combined measures clearly had no impact whatsoever on preventing the unhindered entry into Sellafield and THORP of gun-toting sharpshooters who, like their fellow MOX workers, were clearly suffering from boredom at work. The letter is to be passed to the NII. For further information contact Martin Forwood on 01229 833851 or mobile 0789 999 1146 Copy of letter with pen-name removed for reasons of confidentiality.:-