CORE campaigners today welcomed the High Court ruling by Mr Justice Sullivan that the Government had failed to carry out a proper public consultation before re-instating nuclear power in its 2006 Energy Review. Ruling on the case brought by Greenpeace, the Judge described the consultation process as being seriously flawed, procedurally unfair, not merely inadequate but also misleading.
CORE campaigner Martin Forwood said today
“This is a victory for common sense and vindicates the view held by many, ourselves included, that nuclear power had been sneaked back on to the agenda by Government via the back door and without the full consultation expected for such a contentious issue. We are pleased to have provided written support to Greenpeace last year at the outset of its legal challenge”.
The fullest scrutiny of the claims for nuclear power will expose its weaknesses, downsides and detriments. Today’s ruling will therefore also be widely welcomed by those who share the Greenpeace view that nuclear power is not the answer to climate change or the UK’s energy needs which are best met by the increased use of renewables, energy conservation and efficiency programmes, and a thorough updating of the UK’s energy system.