Saturday JUNE 7TH, 2008
10.00 Welcome To Ambleside Session Chair: Dr Ruth Balogh, Director Centre for Health Research & Practice Development University of Cumbria
10.15:Theme 1: Radiation Risks Radiation-induced bystander effects ¡V latest news. Dr Carmel Mothersill (McMaster University, Canada)
10.35 What are Non-Targeted Effects of Ionizing Radiation and How Might They Impact Radiation Risk? Dr Bill Morgan (University of Maryland)
11.00: COFFEE
11.30 Radiation Protection Assumptions: A Biological Reality Check, Dr Ron Mitchell (AECL)
11.50 Cancer and Non-Cancer Effects in the Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivors Dr Mark Little, (Imperial College, London)
12.15 Questions and discussion
1.00-2.00 LUNCH
2.00: Workshops:
„« Out of control – epidemiological issues. Dr Emm Barnes, University of Manchester.
„« Cancer mortality on the coastal strip of NW England. John Urquhart, PhD student, Open University.
ƒöRadiation, risk, and planning for the end of the world. Melissa Smith, PhD student, University of Manchester.
3.30: TEA
4.00 Theme 2: Managing Radioactive wastes. Chair: Colin Birnie Cumbria local group. Regulation of Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal. Dr Clive Williams, Policy Development Manager Radioactive Substances (Environment Agency).
4.20 Low Level Waste repository, near Drigg. Stewart Kemp, Nuclear Issues Officer (Cumbria County Council).
4.40 Discharges of Low Level Radioactive Wastes – an Operator’s Perspective. Bob Morley, Principal Environmental Advisor (Low Level Waste Repository Site, Drigg).
5-5.30 Questions and discussion.
7.30 ALICE STEWART LECTURE Dr Wolfgang Ulrich-Muller, Institute for Medical Radiation Biology, University of Essen. Radiation-induced Pregnancy Effects.
Evening meal and bar; Film ¡V Windscale, the Nuclear Laundry Sunday June 9th 2008 9.00 ¡V 10.30: Workshops ¡V repeat of previous sessions.
„« Out of control – epidemiological issues. Dr Emm Barnes, University of Manchester.
„« Cancer mortality on the coastal strip of NW England. John Urquhart, PhD student, Open University.
„« Radiation, risk, and planning for the end of the world. Melissa Smith, PhD student Manchester University.
10.30 COFFEE
Theme 3: Updates on Policy, Legislation and Trends. Session chair: Pete Roche Edinburgh Energy and Environment Consultancy.
11.00 Living in Interesting Times ¡V Managing Strategy in the NDA. Dr Adrian Simper, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.
11.20 Tritium and other recent work of Advisory Group on Ionising Radiation. Dr Ian Fairlie, independent radiation consultant.
11.40 Current developments ¡V an update. Jean McSorley, Greenpeace.
12.00 Questions and answer session.
12.30 Overview of the Conference presented by Rapporteur, John Urquhart.
Conference Organising Group: Contact: Janine Allis-Smith
Dr Ian Fairlie;
Jill Sutcliffe, 01243 603705,