“If the current litigation had not been commenced and discovery both vigorously and intelligently pursued by the plaintiffs’ solicitors, the true extent of the discharges of radionuclides to the environment and in particular the massive contamination of the countryside around Sellafield by uranium oxide and plutonium prior to 1986, would have been lost in the … [Continue Reading]
Change to Sellafield skyline as demolition of ‘seismic risk’ stack begins.
Perched atop Sellafield’s 1950’s Primary Separation Plant (the B204 reprocessing building) the 61 metre tall discharge stack is to be demolished at a rate of around 1 metre per week.
Down Memory Lane –25th Anniversary of 1992 Leukaemia High Court Case. Days 2-5
“BNFL admitted to underestimating occupational radiation doses in company records, including those of men who had worked on the exposed top of the Sellafield plutonium piles. When these errors were discovered they did not follow the advice of their Head of Health and Safety and put a note in the records to that effect. They … [Continue Reading]
Down Memory Lane. 25th Anniversary of Leukaemia High Court Case (26/10/92)
Over the coming months, in remembering this epic and historic case in the London High Court when West Cumbrian families sued Sellafield over cancers in children of radiation workers, CORE will be publishing the 1992/93 daily court transcripts.
Chemical Alert brings Bomb Squad to Sellafield’s confined Separation Area.
Sellafield Ltd was forced to put out a press statement in the early hours of this morning (Saturday 21st October) to calm fears of a potential chemical explosion in a laboratory on site.
Post Script to commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Windscale Fire.
Arriving at Sellafield today to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Windscale Fire, CORE campaigners (and media) were somewhat dumbfounded by the mysterious re-emergence of the memorial plaque whose loss had recently been confirmed in a letter from Sellafield Ltd. With any explanation of the plaque’s reappearance still hard to come by, its return – albeit lacking … [Continue Reading]
Loss by Sellafield of memorial plaque mars Windscale Fire 60th Anniversary commemorations.
At 1030 on Tuesday 10th October 2017, CORE Campaigners Janine Allis-Smith and Martin Forwood will lay flowers at the Sellafield site perimeter fence in a simple act of remembrance of those whose health was affected by exposure to radiation in the plume released during the fire of 1957 – and the bravery of those who … [Continue Reading]
A forgotten pre-cursor to the Windscale Fire of 1957
Just 18 months before the infamous fire ripped through Windscale’s Pile No 1 on 10th October 1957, a little publicised and largely forgotten major accident in the neighbouring Pile No 2 saw workers fight desperately for over a week to save the reactor from total loss.
NuGen consultees kept in the dark as Moorside turmoil increases.
Respondents to NuGen’s Stage 2 Moorside public consultation which closed one year ago will learn little from NuGen’s response to CORE’s open letter to its CEO Tom Samson on 30th June.
Anti-nuclear campaigners from local group CORE win international award.
CORE’s Janine Allis-Smith and Martin Forwood who have campaigned on Sellafield commercial operations since the 1980’s have been notified that they have won the international Nuclear Free Future Award (NFFA) for 2017 under the Education category.